Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blog Post #7

Strength and Weaknesses

A lot of planning goes into teaching and being a teacher, especially when it comes to projects. Project based learning uses projects to teach an effective lesson that helps the information stay. As a teacher, I will have to plan my own lessons and projects. A concern I have is planning effective lessons. I am scared that some lessons may not go as planned, and the overall message of the lesson may become lost. I will have to make sure I give myself plenty of time to go through the lesson or project a few times before teaching it. This concern is because of my lack of experience, a weakness I have because
I have not actually taught a class yet. I will have to also make sure I am good at managing my time. I hope that student teaching will help me with these concerns.

I feel my strength is that I catch on quickly, and that this will help me when I begin to teach. Because standards, curriculum, and technology are always changing, teachers must constantly adapt and change their lessons and ways of teaching. Teachers need to be up to date on the latest technologies. That is a skill I am currently working on thanks to a class I am taking, EDM310. Since joining the class I have discovered so many new resource tools that are free to use online. These tools can come in handy when teaching in the classroom.

Summary of what I have learned from the Videos

Video: How to make an audio QR Code
This video taught me how to record your voice. This tip is very helpful when becoming a teacher because as a teacher you can record yourself for your students to listen to. It also taught me how to turn the recording into a QR code by using the website

Video: IPad Reading Center
This video was another helpful tool when becoming a teacher. It showed me how to teach kids to use technology. Students used iPads as a center. During the center they would record themselves reading and then listen to themselves and read along again. This technique taught the kids how to incorporate technology with reading.

Video: Poplet with Ginger Tuck
This video teacher taught me what a poplet is and why they are helpful. A poplet is an app that students use to create a visual form of a text. By using there iPad they take pictures of the book they are reading and also type the text they are reading. This teaches them how to use technology while learning how to read and spell.

Video: Alabama Virtual Library and Kindergarten Students
This video teaches students how to use Alabama Virtual Library though a iPad. Alabama Virtual Library is a search engine that allows you to search a key word and it will show you all the books, articles, movies, ext related to the keyword.

Video: Tammy Shirley Discovery Education Board Builder Moon Project
This video teaches students how to use Discovery Board Builder. The teacher shows you how to us it in the video and so does the student. This app is a great tool to use during a project.

Video: Mrs. Tassin's 2nd Grade students share Board Builder Project
This video was a great example of how students use Board Builder for there projects. This app is a great tool for students of all ages.

Video: Using iMovies and the Alabama Virtual in Kindergarten
This video amazed me. It showed me how technology is so advanced now that even Kindergarteners are using it. It amazed me that Kindergarteners are doing book trailers and I just did my first one a week ago. It amazes me. Not only are they using iMovies but they are also learning how to use AVL in kindergarten. I didn't learn what AVL was until a few years ago. This amazes me how much technology is advancing. It also makes me glad that I am in EDM310 so I can learn and teach myself more about technology.

This video reassures me that we are all learners. We never stop learning. Students teach teachers. Teachers teach students. Students teach students. Teachers teach teachers. We are all learners.


  1. I think your paragraphs describing your strengths and weaknesses is great. I agree that being able to plan effective lesson plans will be a challenge. Your summary of the videos was also well done. I do think your summary would have been enhanced by adding links to the different videos. Overall, it was well written post. Good luck with the rest of the semester.

  2. "I am scared that some lessons may not go as planned,…" You will have a lot that do not go as planned. Maybe most. You must be able to adapt on the fly!

    "I will have to make sure I give myself plenty of time to go through the lesson or project a few times before teaching it. " You will be busy ALL of the time!

    "...movies, ext related to the keyword…" What do you mean by ext? Maybe etc.?

    Thoughtful. Interesting.
